The Charlotte County Ostomy Group is a very active group of people that have only one interest in mind. To not only help people with an ostomy, but also their spouses, caregivers, and parents. There is usually someone else involved with the person with an ostomy and they should have the opportunity to meet and talk with other people in the same situation. This is what makes the Charlotte County Support Group so important to a lot of people.
We often have product manufacturers at these meetings to show us what is available to help with our product needs. We have dietitians talk at our meetings. Different types of doctors talk to us. CWOCN nurses who specialize in ostomy care may be able to help solve problems. The most important part of these meetings is the opportunity to talk with people that are living with an ostomy or a caregiver. When you talk to our members, you will find that they all have expressed many times the fact they would not have been able to get through this change in their lives without this support group.
We would truly like to have the opportunity to help you too. Or maybe there is something you can share with us to help others. Remember, the support group’s main purpose is to help each other. Please join us. If you have any questions, please contact us.