Newsletter for March 2023
President: Jerry Downs 941-629-7568
Vice President: Ken Aukett 609-315-8115
Secretary: Lovelle Meester 612-240-2175
Treasurer: Lorelie Godbout 603-474-9063
Directors: Janice Creutzmann 910-382-2509
David Sandora 941-828-1076
Newsletter: Lorelie Godbout
Programs & Education: Jerry Downs,
Gloria Patmore, RNET (retired) 941-627-3077
Nancy Frank, RN, BSN, CWOCN 941-629-5118
Marie Michel, RN, CWCA, CHRN, OMS 941-626-2607
Visitation: Nancy Frank, RN, BSN, CWOCN
Library: Lorelie Godbout, RN (retired)
Professional Advisors:
John P. Rioux, MD, F.A.C.S.
Nancy Frank, RN, BSN, CWOCN
Marie Michel, RN, CWCA, CHRN, OM
A 501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization, (tax-deductible donations) Website
March 14, 2023
Happy St. Patrick’s day, Spring and Daylight Savings Time
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. So far so good for Bob and me. We keep ourselves busy. One of our granddaughters is expecting a baby girl sometime in May. We will be going up to New Hampshire for her baby shower on March 19. I will be staying up in New Hampshire until the middle of June to help our daughter who will be having another major spinal surgery. From June 30th to July 8th we will be going on a Viking River Cruise between Germany and France. I think we will have a busy summer again.
On February 15, 2023, we met at the Golden Corral. There were seventeen attendees. We had one new member. We had Jessica Gibson from Coloplast as our speaker. She talked about the SenSura Mio pouch systems and how flexible they are for all body types and are able to adhere well to prevent leaks. They also have a grey-colored pouch that doesn’t show through clothes and you can also get a transparent outer pouch to see the contents. The pouches are soft to the touch and are comfortable against your skin. She showed how the openings of the colostomy and ileostomy bags are easy to open and can open wide enough to drain. She demonstrated how to use the products and drain them. She also showed the 1-piece drainable system and closed pouch and the 2-piece click and 2-piece flex system. She had samples that went around the room for everyone to see. She explained the supporting products to help prevent leakage, support your barriers, and help protect the skin. She explained the different protective seals and how they can adhere to your body shape and to your pouch to prevent leaks. There are also strip pastes and paste to help with seals. Elastic barrier strips are used over the barrier for support. Belts are used for more support to keep the pouch in place and an Ostomy Support Belt is used to help with hernias. Samples of these were also passed around the room. At the end, she had samples and information packets for people to take as needed.
It was nice to see some of our ostomy group get back together again and talk. Hopefully, we can find a place to meet on a regular basis again.
Common ostomy myths
After ostomy surgery, you may find helpful tips from other people living with an ostomy in online communities, support groups, forums, and more. Weeding through fact and fiction can be difficult. We asked certified ostomy nurses to outline some of the most common myths they hear to provide you with the truth about living with an ostomy.
Myth: Only use the ostomy pouching system that you were fitted with within the hospital or doctor’s office.
Fact: In the weeks and months following ostomy surgery, you may find your stoma and body changing. In the first few weeks and months post-surgery, your ostomy pouching system may need to be changed also.
Myth: All ostomy products are the same. It doesn’t matter what type of pouching system you wear.
Fact: There are a large variety of ostomy products available to fit the needs of each person living with an ostomy.
Myth: Your stoma should not change size a few months after surgery.
Fact: In the weeks and months following ostomy surgery, your stoma may change in size and appearance.
Myth: Having skin irritation is a normal way of life with an ostomy.
Fact: If the skin around your stoma becomes damaged, it could be painful and lead to infection. Prevention is the key to maintaining both healthy peristomal skin and your comfort.
Myth: If you have an ostomy, your significant other will not love you the same way.
Fact: It is common to have anxiety about relationships following ostomy surgery. Be open and honest with your partner about any concerns you have. Remember, having an ostomy is nothing to be ashamed of.
Myth: Odor is a part of life when you have an ostomy.
Fact: You will become more comfortable with your ostomy pouch over time, and will gain confidence in its ability to retain odors.
Myth: Now that I have an ostomy, I am no longer able to enjoy the foods I love.
Fact: Right out of surgery, you may be more sensitive to foods than you will be in six months. Slowly add different foods to your diet, and pay attention to your body’s response.
Myth: I have a colostomy or ileostomy so I shouldn’t be passing anything from my rectum.
Fact: The colon or rectum may produce mucus even after ostomy surgery. If you have questions about your output, contact your healthcare professional.
Myth: I can’t get my pouch or wafer wet, which means I can’t enjoy water activities or bathe with my pouching system in place.
Fact: You can shower, go swimming, or even get in the hot tub with your pouching system in place. If using a pouch with a filter, cover the filter with the covers provided.
Myth: Don’t shower without your ostomy system off.
Fact: You can shower with or without an ostomy system in place.
Myth: An ostomy prevents you from wearing stylish, form-fitting clothing. People will be able to see that I have an ostomy.
Fact: Before you had ostomy surgery, did you notice an ostomy pouch on other people in public? Probably not. Try a wrap or special undergarments to help conceal your pouch and increase your confidence.
Myth: Insurance doesn’t cover ostomy care, so I am paying out of pocket for my supplies.
Fact: Contact your insurance coverage provider to understand what your insurance plan covers and what it pays for ostomy supplies.
Myth: You should rinse and/or reuse your pouches.
Fact: It is not recommended to rinse or reuse ostomy systems, pouches, or wafers. Water can make the barrier break down faster and damage the filter of the filtered pouches.
Myth: People living with an ostomy cannot fly because the cabin pressure can cause the pouch to fail.
Fact: People living with an ostomy can fly, ride in a car, or use any other mode of travel.
More information from ConvaTec
Editor’s note: This educational article is from one of our digital sponsors, ConvaTec. Sponsor support along with donations from readers like you help to maintain our website and the free trusted resources of UOAA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
The above article is from the UOAA website
1. If cramps last more than two days.
2. If you got a deep cut in your stomas or bleeding at the junction of the skin and stoma.
3. If you have excessive bleeding from the stoma opening or a moderate amount in the pouch after several emptying.
4. If you have a strong odor lasting more than a week.
5. If you have severe skin irritation or deep ulcers.
6. If you have severe watery discharge lasting more than five hours.
7. If you have an unusual change in the size or appearance of your stoma.
I found the above information from the Clearwater Ostomy Support Group Newsletter.
Daylight Savings is Sun, Mar 12, 2023
It’s meeting time! Join us on March 7th at 1:45 pm at Golden Corral in Punta Gorda. Bring yourselves and $10. We’ll provide the rest! When you arrive, head on back, we’ll be waiting!
Please let me know when and where the next meeting is?
Thank you.
Hello Isabelle!
Thank you for your comment! When meetings are scheduled there will be a notice on our front page of the date and time and location. Hope to see you at our next meeting!