Charlotte County Ostomy Support Group Newsletter for November 9, 2021
We are having a luncheon meeting at Golden Corral just off Hwy 41 in Punta Gorda on Tuesday, November 9th at 2:00 pm.
Drinks, buffet, dessert, and the tip will cost $8.00. In a private room.
Happy Veterans Day and Thanksgiving
It is that time of year again to honor all Veterans and to find things to be positive about and thankful for, even with all the negative things happening. I wish to honor all military veterans who served in the US armed forces. I am thankful for this support group and for being able to keep this newsletter going through this trying time. I am very thankful that my husband and I have made it to 50 years together and were able to visit with our family and friends twice this year. I am thankful that my husband and I are still in pretty good health and still able to do many things around the house and travel some. I am
thankful that my husband and I still have many projects to do to keep us busy. I am very thankful for the many good neighbors we have and all the acquaintances we made through the years. I am thankful to Karen Chalfant for helping me with the treasurer’s report and being a friend who listens. I know of many more things to be thankful for, but space is a minimum.
I found these articles in a Hollister newsletter and a UOAA newsletter.
Standard Wear vs. Extended Wear Skin Barriers
When choosing an ostomy skin barrier, it’s important to consider both wear time and skin
By Meredith Hill, BSN, DNP
Finding the right ostomy pouching system can be a challenge, considering the many options available. The best ostomy pouching system is the one that allows you to maintain healthy skin around the stoma (or peristomal skin) and achieve the longest wear time (i.e., how long you can wear the skin barrier before it fails). With guidance from a local healthcare professional or ostomy nurse, you can choose between an extended wear skin barrier or a standard wear skin barrier. Extended wear skin barriers are more durable, with a proven longer wear time of up to seven days. These barriers are also erosion resistant, which can be helpful for ostomates with liquid, corrosive, or high-volume output. People with ileostomies or urostomies and those who sweat heavily would benefit the most from using an extended wear skin barrier.
Extended wear skin barriers are available on many drainable ostomy pouching systems. Standard wear skin barriers are gentle on the skin but may erode more quickly than extended wear skin barriers. Wear time can vary, but it’s still possible to achieve up to seven days, depending on the type of ostomy you have. This type of barrier would be
appropriate for people with colostomies or for children, including toddlers and infants.
Standard wear skin barriers are available on both drainable and closed pouching systems. Regardless of whether your skin barrier is extended wear or standard wear, it is important to change your pouch as soon as possible if it is leaking, or if the skin around your stoma is sore or itchy. If you have questions about which type of skin barrier to
order, ask your local ostomy nurse. You can also contact Hollister Secure Start services at 888.808.7456.
A Consumer Service Advisor will help you choose the right ostomy product solution for your unique needs. Disclaimer: Prior to using, be sure to read the Instructions for Use for information regarding Intended Use, Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions, and Instructions. Contact the manufacturer of your skin barrier directly to get answers to specific product questions. Meredith Hill is a Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of General
Surgery-Wound Care at Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri. She has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and a Doctorate of Nursing Practice degree
from the University of Kansas School of Nursing. Meredith is an active member of several professional organizations including the United Ostomy Associations of America,
and the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society.
WOC Nurse With an Ostomy Helps Patients Prevent and Solve Peristomal Skin Issues
Living with an ileostomy for more than 18 years, Wound, Ostomy and Continence (WOC) Nurse Aimee Frisch shares her experience and tips on how to be proactive with maintaining healthy skin around the stoma.
By Aimee Frisch, BSN, RN, CWOCN
Meet the Expert
My family is no stranger to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). My father passed away from complications of Crohn’s disease at age 57. My grandmother had ulcerative colitis and I have several cousins with Crohn’s. At age 26, just when I thought I had avoided the family curse, I began to have symptoms associated with IBD and was ultimately diagnosed with Indeterminate Crohn’s/Colitis. This meant that I had symptoms
and disease progression of both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Making a Difficult Choice
Given my mixed family history, it was very difficult to determine which disease was causing the symptoms. In only eight months, I went from being active and healthy to being hospitalized and close to dying. My medical team eventually gave me the option of getting an ileostomy, as I was getting worse as each day passed. At the time, I was just starting my life—planning for my upcoming wedding and studying to be a bilingual elementary school teacher. And up to that point, I had only negative experiences with
ostomies. Much to the surprise of my medical team and family, I said that I had to think about my options, even though not choosing surgery would mean death.
Deciding to Live and Fight
I’m very grateful that I ended up making the decision to get the ileostomy—and to live and fight. I had several complications and multiple surgeries, however, I was able to make it to my wedding day. I even became pregnant eventually, and am now mom to my miracle daughter who recently turned 10! Along the way, I met several people living very productive and joyful lives with an ostomy.
I also met an ostomy nurse who changed the course of my life. She was the most dedicated, kind person I had ever known. She was relentless in helping me overcome complications and finding solutions that would allow me to make it to my wedding day without worrying about my pouch.
Giving Back to Others With Ostomies
It was during that time that I decided that I wanted to share my experiences and give back. I wanted to be that source of knowledge for others living with an ostomy that my nurse was for me. In 2007, I decided to completely change my career and become a Wound, Ostomy, and Continence (WOC) nurse. I was accepted into a rigorous, accelerated nursing bachelor’s degree program. I then worked for two years as a nurse before being accepted into the Cleveland Clinic WOC nursing program. I celebrated my tenth year as a Certified WOC nurse in 2020, and I am so happy that I chose that path. It has been the most rewarding experience. “I am able to empathize with the struggles and successes of those in my care.” —Aimee Frisch Hollister Secure Start Services eNewsletter Q2 2021
Prevent and Solve Peristomal Skin Issues
As a WOC nurse with an ostomy, I feel I have a unique perspective to share when working with people with ostomies. I am able to empathize with the struggles and successes of those in my Living with an ileostomy for more than 18 years, Wound, Ostomy and Continence (WOC) Nurse Aimee Frisch shares her experience and tips on how to be proactive with maintaining healthy skin around the stoma.
By Aimee Frisch, BSN, RN, CWOCN
Aimee Frisch was diagnosed with indeterminate Crohn’s Colitis in 2002 and has had many surgeries. First for a temporary stoma, then in 2004, she received a permanent stoma. In 2008 Aimee went back to school to become a WOC Nurse. She was certified in 2010 and since then has worked at Froedtert Menomonee Falls Hospital in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin